random ass confusin bullshit
heres some lines:(in the voice of foxworthy): if you poor but you voted for bush...you might be a redneck.
also an idiot
how bout that one jeff?
some humour from the left
try usin that in your act
as it applies to trailer trash
bein poor dont make you stupid
like you a sub wit a screen door
and bein dumb dont make you poor
just take our prez, he rich as hell
and still cant tell
brown people apart
maybe cause his heart be in his back pocket
so the vote we tried to rock it
but ignorance wins again
cause that mullet just had to win
i'd say ya'll aint wise consumin
but bush, your lord, dont do no assumin
and gots him a pretty good deal this time around
Yo dude, interesting new look...at least now you can't be taken to court by Mozeboy on charges of plagiarism. Them wrimes iz tite. Yo we gotta recode us some mo songs. I aint been gotten around to writing no rimes specifically about this here election, but I might could start on that soon. I think I showed you some of my new rimes about Mopublicans in general a few weeks ago. They might could be incorporated into yo new song. The topics I been thinking of doin songs on: grammar, dancing, welfare, 70003 (I especially need your help with that one. I think it should definitely be positive. PCC wanted to do a negative one, but I vetoed that), al Qaeda, etc. Bazh
Shaquille, at November 21, 2004 at 1:51 AM
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