Je mange tout le temps.

Monday, November 29, 2004

j'aime les frites

would it be cool if it rained tasty beverages and small food items or would it be too much of a hassle to pick up the excess? malted milk balls maybe?


  • Well, it shouldn't rain anything with peanuts, as too many people are allergic to them. Also, it shouldn't rain pork or pork-related program activities, as that would offend countless Muslims and Jews. Malted milk balls hurtling down from the sky at an acceleration of at least 9.8 m/s/s is liable to knock a woady unconscious. But I guess Leno the engineer could tell you more about that. I would like alcohol raining down, but only if I didnt have any exposed open cuts. I agree with Leno that bitches is mo important than food. But I think as starting center for the Miami Heat, I should have priority when it comes to hooking up with your girl's girl.

    By Blogger Shaquille, at November 30, 2004 at 9:11 AM  

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