cindy can suck my ass
the first tropical storm of the season fo us louisianians was a bitch. it hardly even rained, but the power was out all day today. i blame the republicans. it obviously wasnt the storm, it was a vast conspiracy to force me to read instead of watching Real World re-runs. man, that shit is funny though. shut up! so anyways, i read this thing by emerson called, "the American Scholar." its really good, i think all people that can read should read it. it has some good points in there, and while it can be a little repetitive at times, its not that long. so if yall get the chance, check it out. and then write a 5-7 page paper on it. and e-mail it to me at: thats all.
these celebrities throw away so much dough,
it makes SirFatty say, "YO!"
Man my fokes was tellin me about Cindy. I didnt even heard about it on da nooz in deez parts. They had they 'lectricity gone out too, plus all deez branches off they trees was spilt. I would blame the moepublicans too, cause Cindy wunt even a hurrcane. Also, I blame their unsound energy policy. If we had more wind power, then Cindy coming would have actually increased energy output. Yes, that's how it works.
Say hello to Dennis for me, if you see him.
Shaquille, at July 7, 2005 at 8:10 AM
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