Back to School
Just like Rodney Dangerfield, it be time for all us academic types to be heading back to the schoolhouse. This is the worst time for me. I can handle school when its nearing the close (even though time slows down), but going back after a nice break is so hard. Anywhats, I is teaching only one subject this semester and thats pretty rare so I better enjoy that shnizz.
So I gots to be writin some rhymes as well as some beats if Wise Consumaz is finnuh take over. Which they is. How bout this one off the top of my head: I'll open up your wallet and stick my hand in/ Je mange tout le temps pendant le weekend.
Aw yeah, Surf Atty out.
What up Serf Atty? Man having the ellis shoe game on a MOnday night is some stupidness. I was reading on the intronet that some trial lawyers even got a hearing postponed so as to not conflict with gametime. We should definitely have a rap in french. J'ai peu des haricots verts. I dont know if that's correct. C'est une affiche. Bof.
Shaquille, at January 7, 2008 at 11:03 PM
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